Thursday, February 16, 2006

Johari Window?

Maybe I'm just in the mood for something like this, but I think it could be an interesting experiment. Not only that, but it has a cool name!

Anyway, it's called a Johari Window and it has you select, from a list of adjectives, words that you feel represent you. After that, other people you know select words from the same list and you sort of see where they intersect and what people think about you.

The only problem is that it says you should limit yourself to five or six words, and I had a hard time choosing. A lot of the adjectives are somewhat similar, too.

So if anyone wants to tell me what they really think, they should click this link.

You can do them anonymously, if you want to tell me how much of a jerk I am (but I probably already know it)! I'll do yours if you do mine.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'll bet Valentinius never saw this coming.

the 'Valentine's Day Problem' t-rex is referring to is the problem of what if nobody gives you any valentines!

Poor guy.

Anyway, ladies like dudes who give them pretty flowers, and dudes like happy ladies who have just recieved pretty flowers. Add to it that guys are dumb and won't think about buying pretty flowers without the radio, TV and other media prompting them for weeks in advance, and you pretty much have Valentine's Day. So I guess that pretty much sums it up?

Comicability? Mediocre, but overall I'd still say the switch is a net gain. Who knows? Give me a week or two to get bored and forget I started this thing.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Test for Comic-ability

this comic goes out to all you INTP Myers-Briggs personality types in the audience, keep on keepin' on

Aww, snap. I have to post it scaled or everything goes crazy. =(

The alt-text is pretty much for me, but I come up E instead of I nowadays! I guess at least I'm a people-loving social retard.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

H- Hi?

I'm totally testing this out.

Edit: Amagad! I just spent way more than 10 minutes trying to get this bloody thing set up right. I guess it doesn't know how to scale images and maintain the correct ratios or something? Lex's face looked pretty mushed up in my profile picture! All's well that ends well, though.